Immigration Appeals

Providing you with a second chance to make your case for immigration
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Immigration Appeals Attorneys In Los Angeles, California

Has An Immigration Judge Denied Your Petition?

If your immigration petition has been denied by a judge, it doesn't mark the end of your journey. Keep hope alive. Our immigration appeals attorneys are here to assist you in appealing to the Board of Immigration Appeals. This board holds the authority to reassess and overturn decisions made by the Immigration Court and the Department of Homeland Security. However, strict deadlines apply, so it's crucial to file your appeal promptly. Initiate the appeal process today.

Contact Law Offices Of Judith L. Wood to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 213-680-7801

What Will Happen in the Appeals Process?

The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) must receive your appeal within 30 days of the immigration judge's denial. Your attorney will craft a legal brief to present your case convincingly, citing all pertinent facts and arguments. Upon receiving both briefs, the board will deliberate and render a decision, either dismissing your appeal or remanding the case to the immigration judge. Throughout this process, you are permitted to remain in the U.S. pending the outcome. Avoid navigating this alone; our seasoned immigration appeals attorneys possess extensive expertise in handling intricate cases. Initiate your appeals process today.

What If the Board of Immigration Appeals Denies My Appeal?

If your appeal is rejected by the BIA, there are scenarios where you can escalate your case to a U.S. Federal Court of Appeals. You will need to submit a Petition for Review within 30 days of the board's denial. Your legal counsel and the Department of Homeland Security will present written arguments. In specific instances, your attorney may have the opportunity to present your case in person before a panel of three judges. Should your appeal be turned down by the BIA, schedule a consultation with our skilled immigration lawyers to guide you through the appeals procedure.

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